WHAT IS YAUPON? (And by the way, we pronounce it “yo- Pon”)
Yaupon holly is an evergreen shrub native to the southeastern U.S., primarily between Florida and Texas.
It is the only naturally occurring caffeine producing plant in the U.S. Brewed for centuries by Native Americans,
this American treasure was forgotten. Left behind by the busyness of modernity. Until now!
Our Yaupon is wild harvested using regenerative agriculture practices in the Lone Star State of Texas.
Wild growing yaupon is pure and pristine, having grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides
or even irrigation. The yaupon is harvested while still on its branches and allowed to shade dry and oxidize for a few days.

Wild Harvested


Refreshingly Delicious!
Wild Yaupon Tea

Green Yaupon Tea Leaves

Dark Roast Yaupon Tea Leaves
Nomad Spice Co. sources yaupon tea of the highest quality. We look to true American values of sustainable farming, wild foraging, and good stewardship of the land. Nothing touches this yaupon but sunshine and rainwater; it’s free of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and synthetic weed control measures.
Preparing Yaupon Tea

Steep 1 teaspoon of tea leaves or 1 tea bag in 1 Cup of Hot Water for 4-6 minutes

Strain tea leaves or remove tea bag & re-steep again!

Enjoy Hot or Cold
Brewing Yaupon Tea is Easy!
Wild Yaupon: The Beloved Plant
We’ve discovered there are many reasons several indigenous people called Yaupon “the beloved plant”. There is much more to Yaupon than a delicious and energizing cup. This incredible resource is jam-packed with some seriously incredible health boosting properties. Nomad Yaupon is not your average caffeinated drink. Check out some of the wellness benefits of this incredible indigenous caffeinated plant.