Nigella Seeds, also known as Kalonji, is an interesting spice, adding beautiful aroma and a savory, pungent and slightly bitter flavor to many dishes.
You’ll most frequently find Nigella seeds in Indian, Middle Eastern, and North African dishes such as curries, soups, squashes, stews, and lentil recipes. You can also use Nigella seeds to add a satisfying crunch to pancakes, pastries, and crackers.
Also called black cumin seed, Nigella seeds are used in many Indian dishes including curries, vegetables, dals, and naans.
Nigella is not to be confused with traditional caraway seed. This slightly bitter, pungent spice seed is its own unique species.
- Incorporate into baked goods, like rye bread or naan bread
- Use in salad dressings, egg dishes, and sprinkle on plain rice.
- Sprinkle on top of vegetables such as potatoes or squash
- Combine with seeds of fenugreek, cumin, mustard and fennel for the traditional five-spice blend panch phoron
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